GoCanvas Journey Map


November 2018 – present


Lead UX Designer


Prior to joining GoCanvas, the company had no research available to start building out the journey of a typical user. Working with the entire UX team, I led the creation of the journey map to help ensure all teams across the company were on the same page of how our users interact with our product and where we know are pain points and opportunities. This is an ongoing effort and I rely heavily on the UX Researcher to accomplish pushing this forward.


Our product is unique in that it offers our users A LOT of flexibility. Although that is exciting, it is hard to nail down a typical journey of a user because of how unique our users are and uniquely they use our product. The key challenge was to try to nail down what our “typical” user is and what their journey is.


We’ve been able to nail down a journey that currently sits on a large wall within the office. This initiative is ongoing.

For work inquiries, collaboration or feedback, email me at dnand89@gmail.com